Tuesday, July 17, 2007

all that shit (Or, PC stands for Political Crap)

Hmmm, what about petrified (a.k.a. "scared stiffs") turds? Fossilized dinosaur turds now sell for a fortune; some specimens can also look quite beautiful - lumps with colorful striations and patches.

Coprolite is the name given to the mineral that results when human or animal dung is fossilized. The name is derived from the Greek words κοπρος/kopros meaning 'dung' and λιθος/lithos meaning 'stone'. It serves a valuable purpose in archaelogical and anthropological circles because it provides a picture of an early organism's diet and environment.[1] Coprolite may range in size from the size of a BB all the way up to that of a large appliance. [2] (Article continues)

Hmmm, and future astronauts may drink processed urine, which can actually be converted to distilled water by filtering and boiling. Easier to recycle what comes out of the body anyway when one's in space; the cost of storing/transporting water on a spaceship is astronautical...oops, astronomical (but probably not astrological).

Thinking metaphorically - Recent political crap still stinks and soils the hands of anyone who touches it. Old political crap seems to stink less, often seems not to stink at all, and doesn't contaminate those who touch it. Historical events seem cleaner than current ones; time possesses magical powers of decontamination: The ancient offices of political fossils are filled with political copralites, a.k.a. the treasured artifacts of their empire.

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